Thursday 13 April 2023
At 18 years old, Stella had been scared of using weights. She was scared of getting “chunky”.
“I didn’t want to use weights because I thought I’d get big. I was doing pilates three times a week and walking every other day. I’d throw in a YouTube ab workout too. But I wasn’t getting the results I wanted,” explains Stella.
Confusion with Nutrition
“I didn’t know what to do with food either. I was trying everything to get the look I wanted. I could eat less and get ‘skinny’, but it didn’t last. I just wanted to look fit. Not too bulky, not too thin.”
Stella started comparing herself to other people and stressing about her body image.
The Impact of Social Media
“I wasn’t having a nice time in this area. Social media makes it 100 times worse. There are skinny fit people posting what they eat in a day, and it looks completely unrealistic. It's so confusing and stressful. I wanted someone to help me navigate it all,” she said.
A Fresh Start in Brisbane
Stella was moving to Brisbane to start university studying for a business degree at UQ. She thought it was the perfect opportunity for a fresh start with her approach to diet and fitness.
One of Stella’s close friends had been training with Michael in the gym and spoke very highly of him and his approach to training.
Signing Up with DoDay
Just before she moved to Brisbane, Stella signed up for online programming and nutrition coaching with DoDay.
“We sat down and talked about how I wanted to look, and how I didn’t want to look. I don’t want to get too big (muscly) but I don’t want to be tiny either.
“We went through the other exercise that I was doing weekly and my nutrition. Then Michael designed a training program and nutrition guide to suit me.”
Seeing Results and Gaining Confidence
Six weeks in and Stella is already seeing great results. But most importantly she is feeling relaxed about her body and confident in her approach to her fitness and diet.
“With past trainers, they haven’t been there for me. With Michael, I can send a message saying I’m having a bad day, this is how I feel, and he always seems to have a way to make me look at it in a positive way.”
A Holistic Approach
Stella explains that when you’re training with Michael, it’s not just a pure focus on your fitness. It’s a journey with nutrition and your mindset.
“His personality is so different to anyone else in the PT industry. He is one of the kindest people I have ever met. He’s a big, fit guy, but he’s soft. I feel so comfortable going to him with anything that is on my mind.
“Michael's approach is such a different take on personal training – a better one, I think. With body image issues, eating disorders, especially with teenagers, it's what is needed.”
Building Confidence in the Gym
Stella was a total novice in the gym. “I couldn’t name a single machine in the gym,” she explains, “it was embarrassing.”
Walking into the gym the first time took some guts, she says. It was overwhelming going to the gym on her own in Brisbane.
“If I was in the gym and feeling a bit stressed about it, or I couldn’t find a machine, or the gym didn’t have the machine specified and I needed an alternative, I’d just text Michael and he’d tell me what to do.”
Utilising the DoDay App
Having the DoDay app with videos of each exercise has also helped Stella to conquer the gym.
“The videos are so good on the app. I’ve been doing it for a few weeks now, but if something feels wrong with my form, I just look at the video and I can work it out.”
Achieving Her Goals
“I am getting the results that I want. In fact, I actually feel like I look better than the results on the scan! I’ve lost body fat and put on muscle. I know that if I stick with this, I will get where I want to go.
“And the best part is that I no longer feel like I should always be doing more. I used to see things on social media and think – Oh I should be doing more! But now I have such a great feeling after my workout. I’ve done what my program says to do, I know what is right for me and I feel fulfilled when it's done.”
A Recommendation for Young Adults
“But in particular, I would recommend DoDay to young adults for the mental health support side of the program.”